
Possible Reasons Why Your Furnace Overheats

Do you notice unusual humming sounds or a burning odor that emanates from your home's cooling vents? Then, your furnace is probably overheating. Although your furnace's job is to heat your home when temperatures plummet, the unit itself shouldn't get hot.  Luckily, your furnace shuts off when it overheats, thanks to a built-in safety feature. Still, a furnace that overheats consistently eventually breaks down. So, you should correct the problem before things take a turn for the worst.

3 Things You Can Do To Ensure That Your Home Heating System Is Safe

Home heating is one of the modern conveniences that can be taken for granted. Many homeowners do not think about their heating systems until they need to use them or when their systems malfunction. There are a variety of heating options available, and you may choose to migrate to a heating solution that uses a different type of energy when it is time to upgrade. This decision might be based on lower energy costs or other considerations.

Great Reasons To Hire Pros For HVAC Repairs

When there is something wrong with your HVAC system, you should have an actual repair technician come to look at it and fix the problem. Sometimes, a person thinks they can save money fixing their HVAC themselves. However, many times, this becomes a bad call for a variety of reasons. Here are some reasons why you may want to leave the HVAC repairs for the professionals:  Professional repairs are safer for you

Thinking About Air Conditioning Installation? 3 Critical Questions To Guide You

If your current home had the air conditioner already installed when you moved in, it's likely you have never bought one. And, even if you have handled air conditioning installation before, it may be years since you did it. Therefore, it's understandable if you're unsure about the most suitable system for your home or office. Well, here are three questions to guide you before AC installation. What Size of AC Do You Need?

3 Reasons Your AC Unit Is Dripping Water

Most people consider leaking water a sign of serious trouble with their air conditioner. When it happens to you, you are likely to start worrying about its life expectancy almost immediately. However, the problem is quite common and easy to troubleshoot. You can also resolve it depending on its source. Here are some reasons why your air conditioner could be leaking water and how to solve the problem. The  Air Filters Have Clogs

Tips For Maintaining Your Air Conditioning System So Your AC Won't Break Down During Hot Weather

Air conditioning may have been a luxury at one time, but it's pretty much a necessity now, especially if you have a respiratory illness. It's difficult to breathe in humid, oppressive weather. Plus, you may have allergies and need to keep your home closed up to reduce your symptoms. When you rely on your AC to help maintain your health, you want to keep your air conditioner in good repair so you can avoid a breakdown at all costs.

What To Do When Your AC Is Leaking Refrigerant

The refrigerant in your AC unit is a crucial component of your AC. The AC uses the refrigerant to transfer heat out of your home and your unit will stop working if there is a refrigerant leak. If this is the case, you will have no choice but to hire a residential air conditioning repair technician.  How to Know If There Is a Refrigerant Leak When your AC is leaking refrigerant, it will make a hissing sound, but you still might not notice that this is happening depending on where the leak occurs.

3 Ways To Tell If It Is Time To Replace Your Home's Air Conditioning System

While repairing an air conditioning unit will often require a smaller upfront investment than replacing this unit, it is important to know when it is time to cut ties with your old unit and choose to purchase a new one. If you are experiencing any of the three issues described below, the time has come for you to consider investing in a new air conditioning unit for your home. Your Air Conditioner Is Not Adequately Cooling Your Living Space

Go Beyond Cool Air: 3 More Reasons You Should Invest In Central Air Conditioning

If you don't have a central air conditioner in your home, and you don't think you need one, you might want to think again. Installing a central air conditioner is one of the best investments you can make for your home and for you. You might not realize this, but there are a lot of advantages to having a central air conditioning system in your home. One of the biggest benefits is that it keeps your home cooler during the summer.

Air Conditioner Repairs Needed To Get Your System Working

The condensing unit is a component of your AC where a lot of problems start. Thus, the air conditioning repairs that you may need this summer could be due to problems with the condensing unit and compressor. The following issues are condensing unit problems you want a qualified AC technician to repair: Ice Buildup on AC Ice building up on the AC components during the summer months is one of the worst problems you can have.