
Seal Your Ducts For Increased HVAC Efficiency

One of the most common configurations of equipment for heating and cooling a home is a furnace and air conditioner. These two machines are placed in a central location and the hot or cold air they generate is then pushed through all parts of a house through a system of ducts. If you are looking for improved Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning, or HVAC, performance, you should look into sealing holes in your ducts.

How To Improve Your AC

A non-efficient air conditioner can be adding more to your electricity bill than you think. This is because your air conditioning unit will have to be on longer to compensate for the lack of performance, which will cause your unit to consume more electricity. To ensure your unit performs efficiently and that you see quick results, you will want to perform routine services on your unit, like the following: Reposition Your Outside Unit:

3 Tips For Improving Indoor Air Quality Over The Winter

Indoor air quality is important no matter the time of year, but it tends to get extra focus during warmer months. This is because it's easier during the spring and summer to open windows, which can allow outside pollutants in. During the winter, it's equally important that you pay attention to indoor air quality, and here are some ways to do that. Get Rid of Excess Moisture Often people think that humidity is a problem only in the summer.

Three Ways to Cut Air Conditioning Costs

Trying to keep a home cool through the summer can absorb a disproportionate amount of a summer heating budget. You may always be on the lookout for ways to save money on your air conditioning, especially if your summer activities require a little extra money. With the following tips, you can cut some of your cooling costs without too much sacrifice. Turn Your Thermostat Up In trying to create a refuge from summer heat, it is tempting to turn your thermostat down to the point that you can wear long pants and long-sleeve shirts around your house.

Three Easy Ways To Save Money On Heating Costs

For many people, cold weather means that it's time to begin thinking about ways to save money on heating costs. Fortunately, you don't have to keep your home at near-freezing temps in order to save money. Check out these tips to learn more about how to keep your winter heating bills to a minimum. Have Your Furnace Inspected Furnace manufacturers and HVAC experts suggest that you have your furnace inspected by a professional annually, because 75 percent of no-heat service calls could be avoided if the homeowner had properly maintained the furnace.

3 Ways To Boost Furnace Effectiveness

When the warm air inside your house leaks out quickly, your furnace will have to work harder than normal to keep your home warm. Having walls, ceilings, and floors that are properly insulated will go a long way to keeping the hot air in, but they are not enough. Windows are one area where air tends to leak out the most, and if you ignore them, your furnace won't be operating at optimal efficiency.