Tips For Finding The Best AC Cover For Your Outdoor Unit

If you are getting ready to shut down your air conditioning system for the season, then you may want to make sure that the outside unit can retain its full function as the snow falls. This way you can turn your AC unit on in the spring and expect it to run without any problems. And, one way to protect your unit is to make sure you are covering it properly. [Read More]

4 Reasons To Leave Your Window-Mounted Air Conditioner In Place

With fall finally underway, there's a good chance you won't be using your window-mounted air conditioner. So, you're left with the choice of taking it down for the season or leaving it in place. While temporarily removing your window-mounted A/C unit has its advantages, there are plenty of good reasons to leave it up throughout the fall and winter. 1. It's Designed for Permanent Installation Not every window-mounted air conditioner is designed for quick removal. [Read More]

Central Air Conditioning Problems

Have you tried your best to make your HVAC system start producing cold air? Unless you are aware of how the cold air is produced, it isn't likely that you will be able to resolve the problem on your own. There are several parts to the system that can be the root of the problem, and each part will need a professional inspection. The problem can be as simple as you needing to get more coolant placed in the system, which is known as recharging. [Read More]

Considerations When Choosing A New Hot Water Heater For Your Home

When your water heater gets old, you may take a watchful waiting approach for deciding when to replace it. However, once it starts to leak through the tank, you won't have any choice but to have a new hot water heater installed. You should do it while the leak is still small, before you have a plumbing emergency on your hands. Here are some things to look into when it's time to get a new hot water heater. [Read More]