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What To Do To Stay Warm When Really Cold Weather Comes Through

With the recent polar vortex that passed through a large portion of the Midwest, you may have discovered that your furnace wasn't able to keep up with the very cold temperatures. Not only does the cold weather cause you to not feel comfortable when in your home, but it also runs the risk of pipes freezing and damage being caused as a result. Here are a few some things to do prior to the next extreme cold weather front to ensure that your furnace is prepared.

Add More Insulation

One reason that your furnace may have trouble keeping your home warm is due to a lack of insulation. Without insulation, the cold air is going to come right through the roof and walls of your home and drop the temperature drastically. The solution to this problem is not to turn your furnace up to a higher temperature but to add more insulation.

One simple thing you could do is replace all old weatherstripping around the doors and windows, which are causing drafts to come in through these places in your home. You can also have an HVAC contractor come to your home and do an infrared scan of your home to let you know where the insulation is lacking. It may involve opening up some walls to add more insulation, but it will make a big difference that puts less wear and tear on your HVAC system all year long.

Have The Furnace Inspected

The weather forecasts will give you a good week or so of a warning before the cold weather comes through town. If you have not had your furnace inspected recently, now will be the time to do it. Having a furnace repair professional come to your home will help identify parts of the furnace that are failing. By fixing problems early on, you will have peace of mind that your furnace is operating at peak efficiency.

Change The Air Filter

Anything that obstructs the flow of air is going to cause your furnace to work harder than necessary to push the hot air through your house. Take a moment to look at the air filter, and if it's dirty, replace it with a new one. It gives your furnace the lowest path of resistance for hot air to travel to your ductwork, which can help get a little more heat into your home. You may not think it matters, but when it is really cold outside, every bit helps.
