3 Reasons Your AC Unit Is Dripping Water

Most people consider leaking water a sign of serious trouble with their air conditioner. When it happens to you, you are likely to start worrying about its life expectancy almost immediately. However, the problem is quite common and easy to troubleshoot. You can also resolve it depending on its source. Here are some reasons why your air conditioner could be leaking water and how to solve the problem. The  Air Filters Have Clogs [Read More]

Tips For Maintaining Your Air Conditioning System So Your AC Won't Break Down During Hot Weather

Air conditioning may have been a luxury at one time, but it's pretty much a necessity now, especially if you have a respiratory illness. It's difficult to breathe in humid, oppressive weather. Plus, you may have allergies and need to keep your home closed up to reduce your symptoms. When you rely on your AC to help maintain your health, you want to keep your air conditioner in good repair so you can avoid a breakdown at all costs. [Read More]

What To Do When Your AC Is Leaking Refrigerant

The refrigerant in your AC unit is a crucial component of your AC. The AC uses the refrigerant to transfer heat out of your home and your unit will stop working if there is a refrigerant leak. If this is the case, you will have no choice but to hire a residential air conditioning repair technician.  How to Know If There Is a Refrigerant Leak When your AC is leaking refrigerant, it will make a hissing sound, but you still might not notice that this is happening depending on where the leak occurs. [Read More]

3 Ways To Tell If It Is Time To Replace Your Home's Air Conditioning System

While repairing an air conditioning unit will often require a smaller upfront investment than replacing this unit, it is important to know when it is time to cut ties with your old unit and choose to purchase a new one. If you are experiencing any of the three issues described below, the time has come for you to consider investing in a new air conditioning unit for your home. Your Air Conditioner Is Not Adequately Cooling Your Living Space [Read More]