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Reasons Why Your Furnace Could Be Blowing Its Fuse

Your furnace keeps the home warm during the winter. Therefore, if your heating unit malfunctions in the middle of those chilly months, it can be a great inconvenience. A blown fuse is one of the more common issues you can encounter with your furnace. You need to call a professional to inspect the furnace if you notice that its fuse is not working as it should. Here are four reasons why your furnace could be blowing its fuse:

Wiring Issues

Furnace wiring is usually installed behind the wall. For this reason, it can be hard to notice when there is something amiss with the wires. For example, you might experience a blown fuse due to loose wiring. Additionally, these electrical components can become frayed due to constant use. Another sign of wiring mishaps is if you hear buzzing or popping noises coming from your furnace. Regardless of the cause, you need to hire an expert to fix the wiring problems safely and effectively.

Defective Valves

If yours is a gas furnace, bad valves are likely to blow the fuse. A faulty valve can keep excessive heat inside or emit too much of it. If this issue is not expertly addressed, it may escalate, and your furnace may start a fire. The heating technician needs to inspect your main and safety valves. After performing an accurate diagnosis, the professional can then resolve the valves' underlying problems.

Clogged Filters

Over time, dust and other particles can accumulate on your filters. If this leads to your filters getting blocked, the blower motor can strain harder than usual to perform. As a result, your furnace might overheat and blow the fuse.

You can mitigate this risk through regular professional furnace maintenance. During service, the technician will clean your air filters or replace them if they are damaged. Afterward, your heating unit can work optimally to warm your home during the frosty months.


Water leaks from your heating system can be due to a dirty filter. In other cases, the leaks may be due to problems with your heat exchanger. As a result of leaks in your heating unit, your fuse could blow. If you notice water puddles near your heating system, switch off your furnace and alert a technician immediately.

The professional can check your furnace for the cause of the leaks and then patch them. Otherwise, if left unaddressed, leaks can lead to the growth of mold and mildew in your home. Besides this, leaks around your furnace can pose a threat to your household because they are a potential fire hazard. 

For more information about furnace repair, contact a local HVAC company. 
