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A Heating Repair Technician Might Clean Or Replace The Burners If Your Furnace Won't Ignite

A lot of activity goes on in the combustion area of your gas furnace. Several parts work together to create the heat for your home. If something goes wrong or malfunctions, your furnace might shut down, or it may not make enough heat.

The burners in your furnace are where the heat-making process happens. If the burners get rusty or clogged, they won't light and burn. Here's how a heating repair technician might check and repair faulty furnace burners.

The Burners Are Removed To Check Them

It's difficult to inspect the burners with them in the furnace. Your technician might want to pull them out so they can be examined closely to see what's wrong. Burners can get coated with rust or clogged with debris.

Your furnace probably has multiple burners, and they're connected with small channels where the gas and flame travel to ignite the burners in succession. If the tiny channels get clogged, the burners won't be able to ignite.

Removing the burners is a matter of disconnecting the wiring and unscrewing the burners so they can be pulled out. This process is more challenging in some brands of furnaces.

A Dirty Burner Can Be Cleaned

It's common for the burners to get dirty or clogged. The heating repair technician can clean the burners rather than replace them as long as the rust isn't too bad. Cleaning can be done with a wire brush to scrape off the dust. Then the rust and debris are blown away with compressed air. The small crossover channels have to be blown free of debris as well.

A Bad Burner Has To Be Replaced

If a burner has so much rust that it has a hole or is deteriorating, then the heating repair technician has to replace it. It's important to choose the right replacement burners since different brands might be installed in different ways.

Whether a new burner is put in or an old one is cleaned and restored, the burners are installed the same way. They're slid back in place and secured with screws. Once the furnace is put back together, the burners are tested to make sure they light and burn just like they should.

Maintenance Might Prevent Future Problems

If you have annual maintenance on your furnace, the technician should check and clean the burners. However, burners rust and get dirty at different rates. If your furnace is in the basement, and your basement has a lot of dust and dirt, the burners might get dirty faster and have a higher risk of clogging.

If your basement has high humidity or gets wet frequently, then rust could be a potential problem. Keeping your basement dry and clean is a good idea since those conditions are more favorable for your furnace and might help prevent burner problems.

For more information, reach out to a heating repair service today.
