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How Heavy Rain And Flooding Could Harm Your Air Conditioner

Under normal conditions, rain doesn't harm your air conditioner. Rain can actually be good for the condenser since it cools down the parts and washes away dust and debris. Heavy or prolonged rain are different situations. Too much rain can lead to problems with your AC. Here are ways rain can damage your air conditioner and the repairs you may need to have done.

Ways Rain Can Harm Your Air Conditioner

The condenser of your air conditioner sits outside, so it's made with parts that withstand outdoor conditions. You usually don't have to worry about your AC when it rains or storms. However, exceptionally heavy rain that leads to water pooling or flooding can be a concern. The rain could cause damage to the electrical components, rusting of metal parts, or even tilting of the condenser due to soil washing away.

Have Your AC Checked After It's Been Submerged

If you see water rising around the condenser, shut off the power to the unit until the storm has passed. Your condenser probably rests on a concrete pad or on feet that elevate it from the ground. Even if the water rises above the pad, it may not hurt the condenser if just the lower part is submerged.

A significant flood that causes the upper part of the condenser to be underwater is more concerning since that's where the electronic components are located. If the electronic parts or wiring of your AC are underwater, call an air conditioning repair service to check your condenser before you turn the AC back on.

Repairs Your Air Conditioner Might Need

Your condenser needs a thorough check after it's been flooded. This includes testing the wiring and electronic components. If the rain was accompanied by strong wind and hail, there could be damage to the cage, or the cage might be filled with debris. The cage could even have mud left behind once the water goes down.

In addition to cleaning the condenser and testing the parts inside, the repair technician may have to make the condenser level again if the flooding caused part of the slab to sink. If the condenser shifted, it may have damage to the connected lines, such as the lines carrying refrigerant. The repair technician may check the pressure of the refrigerant to make sure none was lost during the storm.

As long as your house wasn't struck by lightning, the indoor air handler should survive heavy rain with no problems. If the flooding got inside your house too, then the air conditioning repair technician will check the air handler for electrical and water damage. If the rain caused flooding that forced you out of your house for days, then your air conditioner could have extensive damage from sitting in water for a long period.

Call an air conditioning repair company for help as soon as the water goes down so the damage can be assessed and repaired. You'll want your AC working as soon as possible so you'll have a cool place to seek relief when working on your yard and home to restore rain damage.

For more information, reach out to an air conditioning repair service in your area.
