Finding Duct Leaks

Tips For Finding The Best AC Cover For Your Outdoor Unit

If you are getting ready to shut down your air conditioning system for the season, then you may want to make sure that the outside unit can retain its full function as the snow falls. This way you can turn your AC unit on in the spring and expect it to run without any problems. And, one way to protect your unit is to make sure you are covering it properly. Keep reading to learn how to choose an appropriate cover for your unit.

Look For A Porous Cover

The whole idea behind placing a cover on your AC unit is to keep it protected from snow and ice. However, you also want to make sure that you do not trap water underneath the cover. When this happens, the water can easily cause mold to develop and to infiltrate the condenser coil. Also, water can lead to corrosion and the fluid infiltration of the electrical components.

So, to keep water from becoming trapped, you want a cover that is porous so that air can move freely through the cover. Porous covers are ones made from PVC. The PVC is woven, and the weave type will determine how much air can move through the cover. Tighter weaves are best if you live in the eastern part of the country where snow and ice are a serious concern. However, if you buy a cover with a tight weave, make sure to remove snow and ice every week or two, so air can easily flow through the cover.

Also, several times through the winter, when the sun is shining, remove the cover and look for signs of condensation underneath. If you see any water, consider loosening the cover and also think about buying a cover with a weave that is a bit looser in the future.

Find A Cover With A Closure

If you live in a region that sees a great deal of wind during the winter months, then the air can easily circulate underneath the cover and blow it up like a balloon. In some cases, the wind can blow the cover right off the unit and leave it completely unprotected. Many covers have closures that can be tightened to prevent this issue. Some covers have bungee cords while others have elastic strings that can be tightened and secured. 

Other units have clasps, clips, and hooks that can help to keep the cover secured. When you do use the closure to secure the cover, make sure that you are not tightening it around the unit itself. Closing an elastic cord, bungee cord, or other cord around the unit can lead to the entrapment of water. So, make sure that the closure is tightened around the bottom of the unit or is clipped to a stake in the ground or your AC pad.

If you want to know more about AC units, how you can prevent damage during the winter months, and how you can buy the best cover, speak with an AC company like Baton Rouge Air Conditioning & Heating today.
