Finding Duct Leaks

4 Tips To Improve Air Conditioning Efficiency

A sweltering summer can demand much more from your air conditioner than you'd expect. As cooling demands increase, your A/C system will use more energy in order to keep up with demand. Not only does this result in an overall decrease in energy efficiency, but it can also lead to a substantial increase in your utility bills. Fortunately, there's plenty you can do to make your A/C system operate more efficiently and save money in the process.

1. Choose Your Thermostat Settings Wisely

A few simple thermostat settings can play a tremendous role in keeping your A/C system operating as efficiently as possible. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, setting your thermostat at 78 degrees Fahrenheit when you're at home allows for adequate cooling comfort while minimizing energy consumption. For even more energy savings, you should set your thermostat an additional 7 to 10 degrees higher whenever your home is empty.

2. Control Indoor Humidity

A humid environment retains more heat than an environment that's devoid of excess humidity. Outdoor weather conditions aren't the only source of excess humidity -- ordinary household activities, such as cooking and bathing can also add large amounts of moisture to your indoor air.

Fortunately, your air conditioner is capable of removing limited amounts of moisture from the air. However, removing excess moisture in large quantities requires the use of a standalone dehumidifier. Curtailing household activities that produce excess moisture can also help control indoor humidity levels.

3. Eliminate Ambient Heat Sources

Unexpected sources of additional heat, whether generated through ordinary activities or appliances, can increase your A/C system's workload along with your energy costs. Here are a few ways you can eliminate these ambient heat sources and restore your A/C system's energy-efficiency:

  • Close drapes and blinds in areas exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Switch from incandescent bulbs to energy-efficient CFL and LED bulbs.
  • Refrain from using ovens and other heat-generating appliances during the day.
  • Shield your outdoor cabinet from continuous exposure to direct sunlight through strategic shading.

4. Keep Those Vents Open

Contrary to popular thought, closing your supply air vents in unused rooms is not a money-saving tactic. In fact, keeping your vents closed could actually drag down your A/C system's efficiency. When those vents are closed, your A/C system has to work against the increased air pressure. The end results are higher energy costs and more wear and tear on your A/C system.

Instead, keep your supply air vents open and regulate temperatures using your thermostat. You should also keep as many doors open inside your home as possible to increase air flow and reduce A/C system workload.

To learn more, contact a company like Extreme Climates
