Finding Duct Leaks

How You Can Reduce HVAC Wear And Tear

You probably use your HVAC system all year long to help keep temperatures comfortable for your family while spending time indoors. Unfortunately, the regular use of your heater and air conditioner put wear and tear on your HVAC system which can result in the need to make repairs as time goes on. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to reduce wear and tear on your HVAC system throughout the years and even save yourself some money on energy costs while you're at it. Considering implementing one or more of these tips and tricks:

Get the Air Ducts Cleaned Regularly

Having a professional thoroughly clean your air ducts at least once a year is an effective way to minimize wear and tear that is put on your HVAC system throughout the year. Dirty HVAC systems tend to waste up to a whopping 40 percent of the energy a home uses for cooling and heating purposes, so getting them cleaned regularly should save you some money on energy costs as time goes on. Clean air ducts can even help improve your household's overall air quality.

Invest in New Energy Efficient Windows

You can decrease your household's overall cooling and heating costs year-round, minimize the buildup of condensation indoors, and reduce the occurrence of drafts by replacing your older windows with new energy efficient options. Additionally, the insulation protection that energy efficient windows provide will help keep temperatures comfortable inside so your HVAC system doesn't have to work so hard. Energy efficient windows will also protect your floors, walls, and furniture from UV rays so they don't fade as time passes due to sun damage. After your new energy, efficient windows are installed, improve their performance by fitting them with weatherstripping and sealing their frames with spray foam insulation.

Install Some Ceiling Fans

By installing ceiling fans in rooms throughout your house, you'll reduce the workload of your HVAC system and therefore minimize the amount of wear and tear that the system succumbs to as the years pass. And because ceiling fans use only about 60 watts of power each hour they're in use compared to an average of 3,500 watts an hour the typical HVAC requires, you can save some money on energy costs just by using the fans instead of your heater or air conditioner at night.

Check out for more tips and tricks, and you should find keeping temperatures within your home comfortable throughout the year convenient and cost effective.  
